Schematics and Resources

Here you will find various manuals, schematics, and other resources that should be useful when repairing electronics. These are either created by D’Asaro Designs through reverse-engineering, or else have been scanned by us for preservation. None are taken from elsewhere online.

Either way, all in the public domain. Please feel free to download them, redistribute them, sell them, or otherwise do with them as you please. Our goal is to preserve this information, so redistribution is encouraged. Enjoy!


Files / IBM /
TypeDrawer/FileDate ModifiedSize

IBM PS2 Model 30 1:39 PM 04/30/201520.8M

IBM PS2 Model 30-286 1:39 PM 04/30/201513M

IBM PS2 Model 50 1:39 PM 04/30/201543.5M

IBM PS2 Model 80 1:39 PM 04/30/201534.6M

IBM Type 3179 Monitor 1:39 PM 04/30/20151.9M

IBM Type 3179A Monitor 1:39 PM 04/30/20154.1M