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D’Asaro Designs in on Hackaday

I visited the Hackaday at Artisans Asylum in Boston last week to show off my products and especially a soon-to-be-released paper tape punch interface box. It was all well received and they even included a link to D’Asaro Designs on their site along with a brief description and some photos. Check it out! -Matthew

Schematics for the IBM PS/2 Series (Among Others)

Last Christmas I was browsing eBay and happened upon an auction for a single 3’x4′ schematic for part of the IBM PS/2 model 30-286 motherboard. I have long been a collector of the IBM PS/2 series and while some of the schematics are available in SAMS Computer Facts I had never seen schematics for the […]

D’Asaro Designs is in MIT Technology Review!

I am excited to announce that there is a very nice article on me and my friend Mark Chilenski (who wrote gEEProg, the GUI for the 2801Prog and 2006Prog) in the latest issue of MIT Technology Review. You can read the article online for free here:

New Year, New products!

Happy (somewhat belated) new year to all! To help celebrate the start of 2015, D’Asaro Designs is releasing two new products, one updated one, and a new piece of software. New this year: A handy device for testing the power supplies from a wide array of early PC computers including the original IBM PC, the […]

Updated Device List for the EPROM Programmer Universal Adapter

Two in a row! This update adds support for the 2564 ROM, adds support for 2332 ROMs with an alternate pinout, notes that the 2364 may have mask programmable chip select lines, and makes some of the wording throughout the document clearer and easier to understand. Thanks again to a helpful customer for suggesting these […]

Updated Device List for the EPROM Programmer Universal Adapter

Thanks to a helpful customer, I have updated the device list for the EPROM Programmer Universal Adapter. This update marks the 2364 data as being verified and corrects the 2332 data to reflect the fact that the chip select lines are mask-programmable and thus may be either active high or active low. Get the updated […]